The Little Schmidy Pediatric Hospital Fall Risk Assessment Index

The Little Schmidy Pediatric Hospital Fall Risk Assessment Index

Access the Little Schmidy - 4 (LS4) index


  1. Compute a Little Schmidy Pediatric Fall Risk Assessment score for each pediatric patient on admission, every shift, and whenever a change in the patient's condition affects the child's risk of falling. 
  2. Select one response from each category and add all responses together to calculate the total score. 
  3. Implement fall precautions per pediatric falls prevention program for scores more than 1, or based on clinical judgment of falls risk despite score of zero. 

Citation: Franck LS, Gay CL, Cooper, B, et al. The Little Schmidy Pediatric Hospital Fall Risk Assessment Index: A diagnostic accuracy study. Int J Nurs Stud. 2017;68:51-59. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.12.011